My experience of The English course last semester

 Just straight to the point, I'll tell you my opinion about my English college major when i was in the 1st semester. Anyway, English is one of my favorite course. To be honest, I'm so glad that i've got lecture that so inspiring to me. She has a fun teaching method . The method was so inspired me. It's-no-really-give-us-pressure kind of teaching method i guess. Our course was given to us clearly. I was like, "English never been this exciting before". Mam Naely Muchtar. It's our lecture name who taught us in the last semester. The first time i felt when she first teach us was just look so suit to all. It's like, "Finally, we got lecture who has a soft and kind hearted lecture". I don't mean to state that all lecturers are not that kind, lemme say that Mam Naely is one of the best lecturer ever. I'm gonna miss her anyway (my English lecturer will be replaced according to semester)

 Oh yeah, about my friends, they have innocent look at first LOL. Most of them has fun personality. The very first course were about simple present tense. That course was already understood by us, it's because that course has been taught since we were in elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school. So, it shouldn't be problem to understand. Day to day has been left. Me and my college mate be closer. So, here's my kind of short opinion about my experience on last semester.

Ps. seems like i'm in a hurry when i wrote this post LOL, seriously, i'm really not in mood to make a post (so, why did you made this post? *ask me to myself*) i did this just because this blog has been 'gathered dust' in a very long 'hibernation'. For further post, i wouldn't do this.