Simply fix the ink streaks in printing

 Hola! I'm coming back fellas, after this very long 'hibernation' I'm surely know that this blog is exactly a piece of spoiled cake . A few days ago, when i try to print my assignment- a report (yeah, the classic one). When i print my assignment, the paper has strikes on it. It has horizontal black or multi-color lines. It looks like this.

 It's really annoying. I'm worried, what if this needs a hardware troubleshoting? Tbh, i just know a lil bit about hardware thingy, especially about hardware repairing solution *sigh*. But, i keep trying to do a software troubleshooting at first.

Here are some steps to do it:

1. Press Ctrl+P on your paper
2. I use Ms. Word 2016, so the display is like this

3. Then, click "Print properties", this option is gonna shows up, choose "High", and ok

 The high option will make the result better. The ink streaks are finally gone and it doesn't bother you anymore. Your paper is 'clean' again. And also, it means you don't need a hardware repairing solution which bring complicated things. Yihi!