Dealing with a Toxic Friend in JHS

 It’s all started when we were classmates at the 1st grade of JHS. Just call her B. She’s really good at playing drama, pretend to be friendly to me a whole year. In my back, apparently she fooled me. I’ve been backstabbed by her. Yikes! And someone told me that she actually hate me since we were in the same place of course (the last year of elementary school). Woah, i don’t really know specifically why she hated me. And you know, her hatred persisted at the 1st grade of JHS. She backstabbed me. She told everyone (not at all but some close classmates) about my bad things (of course it’s literally false!). It affects my study. My passion in study has been dropped. I don’t really remember if she apologize to me or nah. Moreover, I don’t hope that she will do that too. So, I commited to cut out the friendship, more like watch over a distance.

 Fyi, at the 2nd grade of JHS, students are randomly picked. So, I have some new friends. I hope that I won’t be classmate with B again. But, bad luck to know that we’re still classmates. Short story, I used to be friend with this girl. Just call her Q, one of my new friends at the 2nd grade, she’s also my chairmate. We’re also often made tweets and replied to each other. I’m so happy with her. And I think, I finally found my real friend, unless B doesn’t come and destroyed it all. I don’t really remember what happened at the time, but our chairmates were reorganized. Q isn’t my chairmate anymore. You know what? Q is B’s chairmate! They’re friends, I mean they’re just getting close. Isn’t it hurt to know that your friend found another friend?

  As I thought, Q has changed. We aren’t close like we used to. We barely talk. I’m so sad. I don't know why, but I have a bad thought that B is the reason why Q has changed this fast. Maybe Q has brainwashed or what. I can’t clearly think about it, maybe it’s because I'm too sho0k. And at the 3rd grade(last year of JHS) we still talk, but it's still infrequent conversations. At the last semester of the 3rd grade, B officially apologize for all her mistakes to me. She admit that she has many faults to me. Although it has been 8 years, but I still remember how painful it is and make it as a life lesson. Goodbye, toxic friends!